New Website

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Hey all – has it really been 3 years or more since I’ve posted anything here? I just launched a new website – the other day in fact – that will also include a blog. So, if I’m being practical, I don’t really need this space anymore. But after scrolling through the posts/years, and thinking about the evolution of my blogging (I started this one 10 years ago and had a separate one on healing for a while) and looking through past posts and photos of my work (many of which I deleted because the work was so bad), I couldn’t quite bring myself to let it go. I have a fondness for WordPress – it’s been an easy platform to learn and use and the people in this community are creative and inspiring. So, at least for the time being, I’ll leave this space be what it is and provide anyone who lands here a link to my new website if the interest is there to see what I’m up to now (the link is below). Thanks for reading, and thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my posts and leave comments. It was and still is very much appreciated. 🙂